Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Belt

My 'extremely' embroidered belt had arrive. The english wordings are a little bit big to my expection, but I guess I'll get used to it. The korean side turns out really great. The texture of the belt feels velvet though it's cotton. It's soft, doesn't need much seasoning. But I'll still give it a few hours of fabric softener and bleach treatment =D

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Project 2EGGS moving to 2nd Phrase

Now I've clarified the executions of all my relavent poomsaes for grading, I'm moving on to condition my agility for sparring and techniques. Everyone can kick, but muscle programming takes times and repetitions. GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! My kataaro belt is on the way, will post picture of it up when it arrive in the next few days. =)

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Thoughts On Gradings

Hopefully, it can let candidates find their confidence and be at their best. Sometimes, nervousness become so prevailing that it ruin a candidate's ability to execute even simple tasks correctly. Ample preparation and drilling is the key.

"Never take gradings as a gamble of chances. Regard grading as a performance. Be proud to show the examiners all your abilities. If you are not ready to perform your best, it is best to postpone the show, as respect to yourself and to the audiences."