Sunday, September 28, 2008

Current: Recapturing Lost Years

It's almost 5 years since I graduated from Poly, Everyday was work, home, work, home. Until one fine day, I felt so cooped up and looked for a 'life'. My smouldering desire in TKD start to re-ignite and I start to recap what's going on in the TKD scene.

It was a total disbelief.

My 2nd ex-club SYNERGY was dissolved back into ACME and the head instructor was out of the circuit. That happened about 2 years back! All the so-called core instructors and players went out of the circuit too! I realised how much I was out of touch with reality, from my hectic working routine.

I immediately logged on to MSN and chat up Master Guo and asked if he's still attending TKD session at SPTKD. I got to know Elmo and him had been faithfully been going back.

I felt like a bloody idiot, what the hell was I doing? Why did I had amnesia on TKD for the whole of my working life after Poly? Why? I always prided myself as a old timer blackbelt card holder, yet my actual training years are less than those much junior than me. What the fuck was I doing? I slapped myself.

I decided enough was enough, I wasn't really happy in the Navy either. I decided to get myself a distraction from it. The choice was obvious, my love was Taekwondo. I start doing stretches diligently to regain my flexibility, and had attended sessions back in SPTKD now.

I've looking to go for my severely over-dued 2nd Dan grading in January. I'm not gonna quit now.

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