Sunday, September 28, 2008

2nd Stint in TKD: Forgotten Years

I totally forgotten about Taekwondo in my secondary school days, up till 2nd year in my Poly days. My secondary school friend, Long Kuan, chanced upon a TKD training near his place and pulled me in for company. Upon hearing the head instructor was one of my former instructor in ACME, I joined partly out of curiousity and mostly, I still have a blood rush for martial arts.

The club was SYNERGY, it's a branch-off from ACME, and specialised in Taekwon Aerobics. It does TKD aerobics demostration for events and for competition. There's a lot of teenaged meimeis in there, all proficient in TKDA. I always went for training and end up walking about only, because I simply wasn't used to the idea of dancing for Taekwondo, haha!

Upon my re-indulging in TKD, I was chatting with my poly classmate one day and found out he's a Vice-President of the TKD club in my poly. It was not hard to guess that I joined SPTKD soon after. That person was Jason Guo, whom I addressed as Master Guo nowadays, HAHA! I also got to know another coursemate in SPTKD, Elmo. Both of them are still with SPTKD today. In the midst of my stint in SPTKD, we got our coaching passes.

Eventually, it was time to graduated from poly. I went for my Navy BMT and various trainings. I gradually drift away from Taekwondo again. Somehow, my 3 set of still seemingly new Doboks become untouched over time, despite less than 2 years of usage. I'm also puzzled today, why did I lost the fire and forgotten about TKD this second time round for no apparent reason.

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